Rethink Periods

​Rethink Periods is a free, nationwide, award-winning schools programme developed by campaigning organisation, City to Sea. It delivers dynamic period education for use in primary and secondary schools.

We developed PSHE Association Quality Assured lesson plans and teaching resources, winning a Global Good Award and giving City to Sea one of their most successful campaigns to date.

bum in pants

To date we have trained teachers from 1,650 schools who will use our resources and product demonstration boxes with over 224,000 students every year! That makes us really proud!

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Thanks to these resources and training sessions we have supported teachers, and so many young people now have access to high quality, unbiased, relevant and engaging lessons about periods and the environment.

award badge

We’re on a mission to reinvigorate period education and empower young people with information on all period products, environmental aspects of periods, dispel myths and taboos and tackle period inequality head on – join the period education revolution!

The Impact


students received Rethink Periods lessons


schools using our resources


Global Good Award

Genuinely the best training I have had in six years of teaching. My partner is a deputy head, and I was immediately raving to him about it.
